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The Eagle Rock Rock & Eagle Shop

Paula Tiberius

My friend Bettina Hubby makes the coolest art. I was on the bus when she toured a lucky group of us through Silverlake and Los Feliz landmarks, her fashion creations showcased by models who hopped on at each interval to make us all ooh and ahh and laugh. That one was called the Hubby Co-Tour, a play on words, and a truly amazing project. The list of her original ideas executed beautifully, goes on, and you can read about them yourself here.

Her latest venture is the Eagle Rock Rock & Eagle Shop, an extended pop-up shop honoring an artist’s verbal riff back in the 1960’s.  Mason Williams joked about a concept shop for the Eagle Rock community, where the only things for sale would be eagles and rocks. Bettina was not about to let this gem go undeveloped!

And so, yesterday Violet and I went to check out the grand opening, and of course it was awesome.

There she is cutting the ribbon looking gorgeous in a special eagle dress she made for the occasion. And hey – there’s Violet and Sydney holding the ribbon on the far right!

As promised, the shop has all kinds of eagles and rocks in various levels of kitsch, cool, high art – you name it – if it has a rock and an eagle, it’s for sale there.

Of course she has a cool old cash register.

Outside there were treats and wine. Violet and Sydney each had one of these creations!

As restrictive as this store appears in its simplistic agenda, there actually is something in there for everyone! I left with a copy of the kid’s book If You Find A Rock, read at bedtime last night to rave reviews from my young audience.

If you live in Los Angeles, I highly recommend it. I’m going back to buy one of those ‘Rock Concert’ paperweights…

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