Do you have to tell your story or die? Then you're ready to commit to the craft and do the work it takes to write something worth reading, filming or watching. For people in it for the long haul, I have a lot of information about the 3-act design, character development and story plot points through my retreats and workshops.
Coming up next is JUMP START YOUR STORY presented along with my partner, Dominique Buda. Join us for an online small group experience on June 14th, 2024 where we will cover:
Your Logline
A logline should have the seeds of the three-acts design within its succinct format. Let's make sure your logline is serving as a template for your story.
Your Protagonist
Your main character must have a dramatic need and a dominant characteristic. Do you have both? That's where the drama & conflict lie.
Your Script Structure
What is your Inciting Incident, Break into 2, Midpoint, Crisis, Break into 3 and Climax? If you don't know, we'll figure it out live in person.
Coaching & Editorial Services
Writing is a solo endeavor - until it isn't. Sometimes you have to bounce ideas off someone to get un-stuck, or get a professional story edit to find out if what you've written is as good as you think it is. Or maybe you just need some cheerleading to make sure you'll finish the damn thing. I'm happy to offer these services and have coached many writers with their screenplays, works of fiction and non-fiction. No matter what system you subscribe to - Save the Cat, The Hero's Journey, Robert MCkee - I can meet you where you are on your storytelling journey and get you to the next step.
Please fill out the form below or email me at paula@paulatiberius.com for a quote based on your specific project. Let me know the genre, format (book, screenplay) and current word count - and why you're looking for help.
Writing help is here.
Get in touch so we can start working together.