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“We’re The 99” Played On The Thom Hartmann Show!

Paula Tiberius

So exciting! My favorite political radio show that I listen to every day played our song as a bumper! When I heard it I jumped out of my seat and started shrieking. Jackson immediately started barking from downstairs and ran up to see what all the fuss was about. Then Richard came up too, with a look on his face that indicated my shrieking sounded like a cause for alarm, not elation.

But he soon figured it out, probably because I was chanting, “They played our song on Thom Hartmann!”  Then the awesome associate producer of the show e-mailed me with a keepsake MP3. How cool are they at this show? Very cool. They saw my continued shrieking in the chat room (the chat room people were much less interested in the song and much more concerned with informing me that James T. Kirk’s middle name was Tiberius, but still I got a few virtual high fives) and tracked me down through my post in their bumper music section. All my nerdy posting paying off! So gratifying.

And now I will celebrate by bringing drinking water to the Occupy Los Angeles people.

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